Saturday, February 13, 2010

R.I.P. lee alexander mcqueen

“There is something sinister, something quite biographical about what I dobut that part is for me. It’s my personal business. I think there is a lot of romance, melancholy. There’s a sadness to it, but there’s romance in sadness. I suppose I am a very melancholy person.”
- Lee Alexander McQueen

Sorry for not blogging in so long!!!
I've been swamped in school work!!!
I wanted to do something to commemorate Alexander McQueen, but to keep from putting my foot in my mouth, I decided to do photocollagythingymajig!

(stay tuned there's an outfit post in your future!!!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Tisci" means "Hello My Life is AWESOME and I'm a RAD-ASS person"

this song makes me wanna take off all my clothes, cover my body in neon blue bodypaintand run through the Amazon, speaking in language that I made up. Thats not
wierd at all, is it?