Saturday, April 17, 2010

F*ck Yeah, Spring!!

Spring is here.
Which means that all the EPIC runway things that I was pining over last winter, I might actually see (epic) people running around in.
If you are one of them I hate everything about you.(not really, please be my friend. please.)
and I'm going insane.
Recently, whenever I hear a song, I compulsively match it with to a Spring 2010(which was the first year I actually paid in-depth attention to runway:)*ahhhh memories*) runway look that I really like. I have no idea why. Its actually gotten to an  OCD-ish point, so you guys play 
the shrink, I'll be the patient and tell me if I've offically cracked.

Positively 4th Street - Bob Dylan - Patrik Ervell

Right?? this is so Dylan.
It has that, Im-a-stoner-I-make-music-I'm-kind-of-a-douche thing going on but its 
so good and kinda nostalgiaic that you forgive its douche-y stoner musician-ness.
Everything from the Clarks to the Jew-Fro is so MAJOR!!!

Healer - Erykah Badu - John Galliano

I am so feeling this Aladdin/Arabian Nights/We cant all be lion tamers situation that Galliano was pulling last season. Immediatley when I heard this song I thought of the turbans, odd layers and fake tans (I actually really liked "Jersey Shore". SO WHAT OF IT!!??.) it fits this song so well!! I would've posted the collection but I thought this one was the one I'd most likely wear.

(p.s.If you got that "lion tamers" line, you're my hero!!)

Lets Go Surfing - The Drums - Dsquared2

I understand that this collection/look has absolutely nothing to do with the beach and/or surfing and that I would most likely die a slow, sweaty death of heat stroke
but when I heard this song all I could hear were colors and the commands to: RUNJUMPREBELBEFREE!!(I told you I was going insane.)
and DSQUARED2 relayed that same message to me with the amazing color combos and epic styling.
this is a rad look for anywhere, heatstroke or no heatstroke.
(p.s. totez wanna take the Givenchy-esque leggings under shorts look behind a middle school and get it pregnant)

Rock The Catbox  Casbah - The Clash - 3.1 Philip Lim

I read somewhere that this collection was based on the idea of  disarming society's view on traditional masculinity, and the writings of Jack Kerouac and other Beat Gen writers.
I totally see that with the ultra-androgynous shapes on top of drab colors, and this fits the song so well because (I believe) this song is about a guy going up agaist the Israeli Government to defend rock music(plz don't quote me).
(can I just say that I loved this ENTIRE collection and that I would wear every look, no questions asked.Phillip, I love you.)

All-Star - SmashMouth - Y-3

I don't like sports.
I don't think I ever will.
The people that play them are usually assholes and most of the games 
usually end up in someone beeing physically harmed.
plus, they have to many rules and regulations for my ADHD-ed brain to keep up with.
I literally cried when I found out Physical Education was a required course in high school.
I'm the guy that you see sitting in the bleachers w/ the fat chick, debating the social importance of Lady Gaga and how glad we are that SNL is getting better(aren't you!!??).
If I got to wear this EPIC Yohji get-up, and "All-Star" was playing.....I might consider participating in gym class.
 p.s. major nostalgia points to "All Star"!!!!

Live Long and Prosper

(all photos: GQ )


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love you guys!!new post soon!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mackin Aint Easy!!!

According to Fashion Science, in the Winter of the year 2010, we will all develop Fur Coat Fever and evolve into the species Majoritis Pimpus. We will all drive big Cadillacs and mack fly hoes,a la The Mack.

Ladies, you too,
all photos : GQ and Style

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fall/Winter 2010 pt.1

So..............I kinda fail at life and thats why I haven't been blogging. I've been being a very bad blogger(I blame the ADD), but you forgive me.............right?
I'm about a decade late reviewing AWFW 2010, but theres so many shows that I wanna talk about, so, here we go.

Band Of Outsiders

Brings Wes Anderson, "Vampire Weekend" and Annie Hall (aka Pretensious, Pretensious-er and Pretentious-est) to mind,  I feel like if I wear this I should go to Columbia and have a friend named Chad and a girlfriend named Muffy and I would play tennis at a Country Club and daddy would buy me a Jag'.
I see no problemz with any of that.
The color scheme is really good, I love that lightblueondarkblue and the heather spackled(I feel like this is a word but I could wrong, I want it to be,its supposed to mean like splattered or something,whatever) grey. I liked Band Of Outsiders when they debuted, but there repetition annoyed the hell out of me.It feel liked every season they do the same richhipsterthatownsaboat thing and this season isnt really different but I like styling and the way it was presented.
(against a woodsy backdrop w/ vintage cars and models hanging from chandeliers)
These are my 3 favorite looks. I would wear these right off the runway,err...whatever.

HELL YES! I want to wear Carrol as shoes!!

The layered looks totez remind me of when I was little and my mom would make me wear a tank top, t-shirt, turtleneck, sweater, underwear, long johns, pants, a snowsuit,
and a coat(I couldn't put my arms down). But in a good way.
*welived in Wisconsin. During the winter-time. Which is INSANE!!!
This feels so familiar because it's so D&G, 
but it also feels really new at the same time.

I love the MC Hammer/Ski/Trash bag pants in teal and grey(they're all really nice, though). I also really liked the sneakers, they remind me of soccer pads and shoes, like, if I played soccer I could just buy these and I'd be set..

*Yels to mom: Mom, I wanna play soccer. and I know where we could get some great shoes
and shin guards. They might be alittle expensive though.:)*

but anywho.......... I liked the looks at the end but they didn't go with the beginning of the collection, it seemed like 2 different ideas, the first one is kinda like Missoni/Homeless Jetskiing Businessman and the 2nd is James Bond-in-Aspen.
(I'm sorry I just couldn't resist!lol!)
Versace was very Tron-meets-The Matrix this season
With lots of black leather, metal and wraparound shades.
I love the fact that it has obvious reference points but its not tacky
or costume-y
I also really love that its so minimalist and maximalist at the same time, the colors are so vibrant and the setting complimented the overall vibe and look of everything. me likey.
I never ever, in a million years, imagined that this next sentence would even cross my mind, but, , but...................... I really like those purple latex/leather pants:-l

I could'nt really pick any "favorites", because the whole collection is so effing fantastic, but after a long and grueling mindbattle these are(some of) my favorites

That was fun right............:D
Stay tuned, I'll do more later,

All photos: GQ